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A Classic Period Short Film - Detailed Review About Hapless Revenge !!!

Hapless Revenge is a periodic film produced by Walker Entertainer Academy, directed by Joshua Lavelle Newman, and written by Sasan Golfar. This short film discusses the dramatic representation of the government deciding to make Juneteenth a holiday.

This film starts with a great quote: "Forever protecting those less fortunate. Wisdom always has its revenge!" This shows the theme of the entire 4-minute running time. The initial shots, which visualize soldiers walking with guns, show the power of the Army during the Civil War in the U.S. Cinematographer Franklin wins hearts by providing a wide opening shot to deliver the exact intensity of the scene, which helps the audience realize it is happening in a remote area. Also, the monochrome looks like color correction, which is helpful to realize the time of the film. Sierra Cavanaugh, Mae Greene, Maree Kler, and Phillip E. Walker did the amazing costume design.

The film becomes more interesting with the method acting by the Veteran Legend actor Phillip E. Walker. The emotions of his face and eyes are enough to realize the suffering of slaves during that time period. This film not only focuses and remembers the injustice called slavery but also gives a message to humanity that freedom and peace are essential for every human. War and violence always lead to the loss of humanity. This film remembers us about the History of Juneteenth day and importance of it.

The technical quality of this film is excellent. The production team amazingly captured all frames. Sound department also done their job efficiently by creating a good sync with the theme of the film. In Conclusion, Hapless Revenge is a must watch Drama Historical Film.

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Jul 22, 2024

The entire Walker Entertainer Academy Production Company much appreciates this glowing, first ever full Review by South Korean Movie Awards!

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