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1. As an Experienced Filmmaker What are the procedures you will take to choose a subject for making a Feature Film ?

I think making a film is like giving birth to a child: every mother can imagine her child before he is born, and she can see his face after he is born. A child is usually decided by the mother, but when he is born he must let him live his own life. A son is always loved, but in him we always put a large part of us, and therefore the director must choose a subject that in some way resembles him: the subject must be "felt" deep down, and then the work can tell something great.

2. Film Festivals improves and encourages Filmmakers to do more Great Films.What is your opinion about this Statement ?

I believe that the Film Festivals are the best opportunity to be able to confront an audience that, although invisible, will tell us something about what we have achieved. I compare with these our viewers is of fundamental importance because it will give us the measure of the validity of our works. For all this I believe that the Film Festivals are an excellent initiative for the personal growth of any author.

3. “Writing About A Love” deals with the complexity of Human Mind.How did you build the Character of the Francesca who facing all the problematic situations in her life ?

I thought about the great loneliness that some people face in their confrontation with others and with life. Francesca could represent all those women who see their illusion of being able to find in others a minimum understanding of their requests for love, sharing, mutual support. Francesca imagines therefore to converse with her dead friend, who she feels very close to her existence, and also imagines that the psychoanalyst Fabio can establish a love relationship with her; but every character in the film seems to have to close on himself, each in search of its own sense of life. In the end, the director, voice-over, will suggest her to continue loving, despite every defeat: to know how to love we must know how to love love love itself.

4. How Social Media influenced the Modern World Human Relationship.You have criticized the same in your film “Writing About A Love”. What is your thoughts about the same ?

Today we talk about our culture as that of the "communication society", just because we can contact us very easily, we can do it with anyone on the planet; but this communication of ours is only superficial, made of like and broken sentences, where the intimacy of each is destroyed in an anonymous relationship, of substantial mutual indifference. Human relationships, on the other hand, are very complex, and require attention, constancy, and true mutual interest. Instead, we have fallen into the "society of silence"!

5. What is your Dream Project ?Briefly Talk about it.

Making a new film. I have 5 new scripts ready, but I will have to find a producer to work with, and I think it’s not easy at all even if my films would not be very expensive.

6. What inspired you to become a film director?

I have always loved cinema, since I was a child. Only recently I was able to realize my dream, since the digital cameras allowed me to face the costs of production with serenity.

7. What do you think are the most important elements of film making?

Cinema sums up many arts: the image, the human word, music. Cinema must tell our dreams, our illusions as much as the greatness of our desires, and let us see all the potential of our emotions; adding up the three arts of image, music and speech, cinema is a truly complete art.

8.What challenges did you face during production of “Writing About A Love” ?

First of all, after many short films, Writing about a love was my first film with actors, and I didn’t know if I would actually be able to direct them. Then the difficulty of the sound in direct, which I had to take care of myself (for budget reasons) while not being an expert in these things. Finally, I had to finance everything personally, and this was not easy. For everything else I could count on an amazing staff, full of love for what he was doing!

9.Do you have any advice for aspiring filmmakers who are just starting out? 

First look for a personal style. And always, imagine the individual scenes before shooting them. Look for (or write) quality subjects. Even if the world prefers stupid films, you will always have to bet on a cinema of great quality: success, if it comes, will come later and it is less important.

10.Are there any behind-the-scenes stories that you can share with us?

We also had fun making the film. Sometimes, we even laughed at the most tragic scenes, when there may have been an unexpected event. The most amazing thing is that I only talked to the actors once, all together and before we started shooting, to explain what I wanted from their characters, then they played everything beautifully, scene after scene, and therefore I have practically not opened the mouth while they worked so well. The use of two cameras allowed me to almost never interrupt the scene, and so the actors, especially in the long scenes, could identify themselves in their characters without interruption. It has been wonderful!

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