Writing About A Love is a Drama feature film Directed by Mario Roccato.The film discusses about the complexities of Human mind when the Worthy Human relationship become lost.Human mind is a complex one.The female character Francesca played by Simona Di Sarno is just excellent.Francesca is a young actress who is facing serious existential crisis after the demise of her closest friends.
Initial scene describes about the relationship between Francesca and her Husband.Their relationship and bonding was stronger but later it deeply falls into a failure relationship.Every relationship must want a strong bond between the partners.The depression of Francesca not recognized by her husband.The demise of her friends strongly affects Francesca's mind as well which leads to the emotional variations in her mind.Her husband also lost to help her because He was fully engaged to make money and involved in Social Media.
Francesca also saw nightmares which indicates the relationship between death and life.Mario Roccato succeeded to represent the scene as a good symbol of complexity of Francesca's mind.Francesca also tries to share his emotional situation to her friend.But her friend utilizes the situation to become a relationship with Alessandro, Francesca's wife.It also make Francesca's life more difficult.
The film shows many realities of life which also great lesson's to the life.We have to face and overcome every situation.Because there will be some pleasant moments are waiting for us after all problems.Francesca also getting good friend Psychotherapist Fabio.Fabio realizes the problems of Francesca and breaks the loneliness of Francesca.
The Best Global Feature Filmmaker Award Winner Director Mario Roccato able to execute a brilliant Drama Emotional Feature Film.All the technical sides such as Cinematography and Background Score helps to find the film a Good Rhythm.
Writing About A Love is a Must watch film !!!